About Us

Welcome to Westpoint-Tech.com!

At Westpoint-Tech.com, we are committed to providing high-quality online IT Testing Courses to help you excel in the field of automation testing. Our comprehensive curriculum focuses on Selenium, Core Java Programming, Basic SQL, and Manual Testing, empowering you with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in today’s competitive job market.

Our Courses: We offer a specialized Automation Testing Course that covers all the essential aspects of automation testing. You will gain expertise in Selenium, a powerful open-source framework widely used for web application testing. Additionally, our course includes comprehensive training in Core Java Programming, enabling you to write efficient and robust test scripts. You will also learn the fundamentals of Basic SQL, which is essential for managing databases and conducting effective data-driven testing. To ensure a holistic understanding of testing methodologies, we provide in-depth training in Manual Testing as well.

Live Project and Mock Interview Preparation: We believe in practical learning and hands-on experience. As part of our course, you will have the opportunity to work on a live project, applying the concepts and techniques you have learned. This invaluable experience will boost your confidence and enhance your problem-solving skills. Furthermore, we provide ample resources and guidance to help you prepare for mock interviews. Our goal is to ensure that you are fully prepared to tackle real-world interview scenarios and secure your dream job.

Certificate of Completion: Upon successful completion of the course, we award a certificate to all passing candidates. This certificate serves as a testament to your proficiency in automation testing and demonstrates your dedication to professional growth. It can be a valuable addition to your resume, making you stand out to potential employers and increasing your career prospects.

Flexible Course Schedule: We understand that individuals have different commitments and responsibilities. Therefore, our course is designed to be flexible and convenient. The duration of the course is two and a half months, with classes held five days a week. Each class typically lasts one hour in the morning, allowing you to accommodate your other obligations while gaining valuable skills.

Expert Instructors: Our team of expert instructors consists of industry professionals with extensive experience in automation testing. They possess in-depth knowledge of the subject matter and are passionate about imparting their expertise to our students. You will receive personalized attention and guidance throughout the course, ensuring that you receive the support you need to succeed.

Join Westpoint-Tech.com today and embark on a transformative journey towards becoming a skilled automation tester. Take advantage of our comprehensive curriculum, hands-on experience, mock interview preparation, and industry-recognized certification. We are dedicated to your success and look forward to helping you achieve your career goals in the exciting world of IT testing.