Our Courses

  • Course Starts on: 3rd July 2023 (7.30 AM to 8.30 AM IST)
  • First 3 classes will be free demo sessions

Automation Testing Course




Mock Interview



10 Weeks (5 days a week)




Course Curriculum

Manual Testing Basics

  • Introduction To Manual Testing Concepts
  • Introduction To API Testing Using Postman Tool
  • Introduction To JIRA
  • Introduction To SAFe Agile

SQL Basics

  • Basic SQL Queries

Core Java Programming

  • Java Fundamentals & Set Up
  • If/Else Statements
  • Switch Statements
  • Relational/Logical Operators
  • Loops
  • Variables & Methods & Scope Of Variables
  • Classes & Objects & Access Specifiers
  • Arrays & Strings
  • Inheritance
  • Constructors
  • Method Overloading & Method Overriding (Polymorphism)
  • Abstraction & Interfaces
  • Collections
  • Exception Handling

Selenium WebDriver

  • WebDriver Introduction & Set Up
  • Finding Web Elements & Interactions
  • Locator Strategies
  • Creating a test
  • Interaction with alerts,frames,windows
  • Mouse Events
  • File upload
  • Select class
  • Simulating Keyboard events with robot class
  • Wait strategies
  • Using Javascript
  • Taking screenshots
  • Introduction to Data Driven Testing & Reading values from excel
  • Introduction to Page Object Model
  • TestNG Basics

Live Project

  • Creating A Test Automation Project From Scratch Using Maven, Java, Selenium, TestNG
  • Building Test Cases Using Page Object Model
  • Creating Utility Classes
  • GIT Basics

Mock Interview Preparation

  • Conducting Mock Interviews
  • Preparing for Technical Interview Programs